The market consultation through solicitation of proposals in public-private partnership (PPP) published today by IRCCS Gaslini for the concession for the modernization of its hospital structure is worth 137 million

2 Mar 2022

Genoa. With an expected value of 137 million, the market consultation notice was published today , 1 March 2022, by the G. Gaslini Institute in the Official Journal of the European Union , aimed at soliciting the presentation of Proposals concerning the realization of the modernization of its hospital structure , with the creation, from scratch, of a hospital pavilion, the extraordinary maintenance/refunctionalisation of other pavilions dedicated to healthcare activities and complementary services in the hospital premises and the management of hard facility services management , including the supply of energy carriers.

As per the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, Gaslini has decided to carry out a modernization intervention of its hospital structure, also involving the planning and financing capabilities of private entities , using the model of the concession contract to adequately qualified economic operators, which will take place through the use of the private initiative proposal (PPP) instrument , considering this procedure the most effective and efficient to allow the modernization of the structure itself.

The Gaslini Board of Directors decided to order the publication of the Notice starting from 1 March 2022 on the institutional website of the Institute for the entire period within which it is possible to submit the Proposals and, in extract, in the Official Journal of the European Union , in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic and in 3 national newspapers, to allow for better dissemination: https://

“With the new Strategic Plan, the Gaslini hospital, which already represents a flagship of our Region and of Italian pediatric healthcare, is ready to confirm its excellence in the care of the littlest ones on a global level – explained the president of Liguria Region and Health Councilor Giovanni Toti -. An injection of energy for the future, with the ambitious project of a partial reconstruction of a group of buildings and with the demolition of pavilions 7 and 8 for the construction of a new building capable of offering new services to families, where the child will be increasingly at the center of planning, in a welcoming hospital but ready to provide increasingly adequate responses to the new needs of the little ones. After 83 years of excellence, commitment, innovation and scientific research, the new Strategic Plan will allow Gaslini to increasingly be the point of reference for Italian pediatrics and a source of pride for Liguria”.

“I am very satisfied with all the work carried out to date by the Gaslini Management together with the managers and technicians: great team work, with the entire Board of Directors compact and proactive, all motivated by the great responsibility of laying the foundations for the hospital pediatric of the future , without betraying the ancient but very current principles that have written its history. A modern, scientifically futuristic hospital, open to the city, students, families and associations, which will be as green as possible and oriented towards sustainable development” declared the president of the Giannina Gaslini Institute, Edoardo Garrone .

“A hospital which, as promised, does not abandon its historic and much-loved headquarters in Genova Quarto, with its large park overlooking the sea and its beach, but on the contrary enhances what already exists, creating new value, also from a urban planning. A renewal that is necessary to safeguard the heritage of skills, professionalism and humanity that have made our pediatric hospital unique on an international level. This is an important step, which starting from Gaslini will produce positive repercussions for the development and attractiveness of the entire city ” concluded President Garrone.

“It will be called “Zero Pavilion”, it will be built on the Quarto hill, between the car park and the emergency room building, from there the Gaslini of the future will be born: it will be built by private individuals, but it will always be under public management from a health point of view. A monoblock that will integrate with the central pavilion where there are now many departments and operating rooms. A hospital that will open to students with a University Campus , and to the neighborhood with a company nursery, a guesthouse for both students and the families of young patients, small commercial spaces serving the population that revolves around the Gaslini, spaces for sports and motor rehabilitation also open to the city. It will be up to the hospital to choose the project and entrust the construction: this model considerably reduces times and above all disputes. The hospital will be transformed into a health city and improve its international attractiveness . In line with the new organizational models approved by the Board of Directors on 12/13/2021, it is intended to design and build a hospital by intensity of care (high intensity, medium intensity and low intensity) where the effectiveness and efficiency of clinical processes can be pursued through the creation of common physical and organizational platforms (inpatient departments, clinical and research laboratories, outpatient activities, day and week surgery operating rooms, high technologies…). It is planned to create 339 ordinary hospital beds, 36 day hospitals and 14 day surgery, as well as 66 technical beds (dialysis, nursery cots, etc.); all rooms will have one or two beds with toilet and bed for the companion. 10 operating rooms are planned , including 1 for emergencies and 1 hybrid . Finally, it is planned to renew and strengthen the current technological park” explains the general director of the Gaslini hospital Renato Botti.

“It is important to point out that those for which proposals are requested are the same technical and maintenance services for which today the hospital already pays for external services with a view to quality . The construction of the new building is necessary both from the point of view of clinical risk, overcoming the fragmentation of activities between pavilions, and to increase economies of scale deriving, on the one hand, from savings on the energy bill (which is also intended to be greener ) and the optimization of spaces and paths. It is important to specify that this phase of notification to the market is functional to receiving proposals which only subsequently – and only if they pass both an economic and health assessment – are put up for public tender ” underlines the general director Renato Botti .



The strategic objectives that IRCCS Gaslini pursues in restructuring and strengthening its offering of services, in particular by equipping itself with a modern integrated center with high technological intensity for intensive care, in line with the specific regulations and authorizations of the sector and according innovative design ideas and visions are:

1. contribute to environmental sustainability (zero impact orientation – green building), also through greater use of renewable energy sources and reduction of dependence on methane;

2. improve effectiveness and efficiency, supporting the necessary and no longer postponable reduction in clinical risk, which is determined by the fragmentation of services between multiple buildings;

3. adapt the structure of the offer to the most advanced acquisitions, in terms of assistance and research for the treatment of pediatric patients, both by introducing those requirements of flexibility of environments and technological equipment, such as to make it possible to adapt to future needs dependent on the evolution of scientific knowledge, or on extraordinary emergency conditions (e.g. pandemic plan), and by optimally combining care and research spaces for the growth of scientific excellence;

4. achieve better and greater accessibility and usability for the families of young patients;

5. contribute to territorial development, improving its attractiveness and competitive capacity, with the integration of complementary services aimed at the population of the IRCCS Gaslini (patients, families, operators), also considering that the IRCCS Gaslini, in addition to being site of university training, with students from other regions, it is already a reference center for rare and highly complex diseases and a component of 12 ERN networks – European Reference Network;

6. foresee the creation of a real University Campus capable of offering spaces for teaching areas and services and spaces dedicated to students and teaching staff.

7. enhance and recover green areas, with attention to the redevelopment of the existing building heritage, together with the redevelopment of local services.

On the basis of the aforementioned 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, the site of the new building is identified within the land owned by Gaslini and involves a spending commitment that should not exceed 137.5 million euros.

The Giannina Gaslini Institute, which starts with a budget of 35 million of which 10 allocated by the Gerolamo Gaslini Foundation, has already defined the times of the operation: the construction site will start by the summer of 2023 and the hospital will be ready between May and June 2026.

Whoever wins the tender (by 31 March 2023) will secure the concession of services for at least twenty years, which will be the investors’ core business. The tender includes the demolition of pavilions 7 and 8, the redevelopment of spaces inside the citadel and the creation of a guesthouse for families and students. recalls that the law requires that PPP operations must provide for an overall contribution of private capital equal to at least 51% of the overall amount of the operation; on the other hand, the “public” capital must be equal to or lower than 49%. In the New Gaslini hypothesis, public capital is, at present, around 25%.

The area, the subject of the construction of Pavilion Zero, is the area between via Redipuglia, the underground car park adjacent to pavilion 20, pavilion 17-DEA and the property boundaries with the building in via Redipuglia n.18. The area, already intended for services – which, therefore, would not change its urban destination – is approximately 5,700m2. Approximately 74,700m3 would be built on the area, including a basement. In addition to this construction, it is planned to expand part of the parking lot adjacent to the basement floors of the new building. Among the variables being evaluated will be the time (measured in years of operation) for granting management of the Institute’s facility management and energy supply services (between 20 and 25 years).

The fee for these services will be included in the availability fee proposed by the economic operators which will also cover the investment and financing costs linked to the work.

Complementary services for new public functions

The IRCCS Gaslini carried out a preliminary check with the institutions involved to confirm the possible functional destinations referred to in table 1. It is specified that on the basis of the program agreement (currently being signed) with the following institutions: Liguria Region, Municipality of Genoa, Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the metropolitan city of Genoa and the province of La Spezia, the Local Health Authority n. 3 Genovese, the total usable surface area intended for complementary services cannot exceed 30% of the usable surface area of ​​the entire hospital complex. The permitted uses, indicated in Table 1, are considered accessory functions to the main one. Therefore, the changes from the current intended use do not entail the need for changes to the urban planning, including small sales areas with parapharmacy and/or type of articles aimed at families/operators – classifiable as “neighborhood businesses” (commercial activities retail for a net sales area of ​​less than or equal to 250 m2).

Table 1 – List of complementary services for new public functions, with order of priority.
Potential intended uses


1. Guesthouse (mini-apartments with bathroom and breakfast nook and shared services: laundry, television rooms, games room, gym, co-working room)
to. families on the move
b. learners in training
c. researchers
d. clinical teams for in situ collaborations
And. solvents awaiting diagnosis
2. Small sales areas with parapharmacy and/or type of items aimed at families/operators – classifiable as Neighborhood Businesses (retail business for a net sales area of ​​less than or equal to 250 m2)
3. Company nursery and nursery with community center for the elderly with common socialization spaces (in compliance with prevention practices) – “Kid Therapy”
4. Spaces for voluntary associations
5. Structure for sporting activities for motor and/or rehabilitation purposes
6. NPIA therapeutic-rehabilitative structures for children and adolescents
7.    Citizen’s help desk (e.g. one-stop-shop for Social Secretariat and Single Access Point)
8. Cinema room/Theatre space/concert room
9. Citadel of Human Health Sciences, the Environment, Animal Welfare – One health House (playful-educational space with experiential activities, bookshop, cafeteria) – including any spaces for the School in the Hospital
10. Sensory rooms
11. Incubator for start-ups in the Life Science/Living Lab sector with new technology training center



Presentation to the Board of Directors for approval of the notice February 21, 22
Publication on the website and sending to GURI and GUUE  
Information day (collective) 15 March 22
Window for inspections  
Deadline for submitting proposals 30 June 22

Deadline for evaluation of proposals and declaration of feasibility


15 October 22
Publication of tender documents November 30, 22
Award 31 March 2023 (no later than May 2023