The Gerolamo Gaslini Foundation donates 10 million euros to the Giannina Gaslini Institute for the executive project of the new hospital
Genoa, 10 July 2021. The Board of Directors of the Gerolamo Gaslini Foundation, chaired by the Archbishop of Genoa, Monsignor Marco Tasca, today decided to start the renovation of the hospital through the provision of a contribution of 10 million euros to the Giannina Gaslini Institute, aimed at designing the new building envisaged in the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan of the Genoese pediatric hospital.
“The expected economic effort is considerable and the Institute will work to find the necessary resources by taking advantage of all available financing opportunities, however the contribution of the Gerolamo Gaslini Foundation is fundamental, as it has always been in the history of the Hospital, for the realization of of this very important moment of renewal. We are grateful to our Archbishop Mon. Marco Tasca, president of the Gaslini Foundation and to the entire board for the trust placed in us, which allows us to begin the work of transforming and relaunching the hospital as soon as possible” declared the president of the Giannina Gaslini Institute, Edoardo Garrone on the sidelines of the Board of Directors of the Gaslini Foundation.
“To arrive at the realization of the project in a short time, a rapid completion of the design phase is necessary, as a precondition for accessing the PNRR funds, which requires the works to be completed by 2026. In fact, there are several points of contact between the “ missions” of the PNRR and the creation of the new building and the Strategic Plan more generally (digitalisation, innovation and security in the PA, energy efficiency and redevelopment of buildings, proximity networks, structures and telemedicine for local healthcare, among others ). This important donation to the Institute by the Gerolamo Gaslini Foundation will allow us to better seize the funding sources accessible in the current economic context, including those deriving from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, with respect to which it is important to proceed with the maximum speed in the creation of an overall Master Plan for the transformation of the entire pediatric hospital, of the executive project of the new building, of its validation and of the Project Management for Construction activities” explains the general director of the Giannina Gaslini Institute, Renato Botti.
The Strategic Plan of the Pediatric Institute approved in May by the Board of Directors for the five-year period 2021 – 2025, envisaged the creation of important infrastructural works for the modernization of the Hospital, functional to maintaining excellence, and with a view to further development, of healthcare services and research activities.
A new building construction is envisaged which is configured as a reconstruction intervention of a group of buildings, in order to concentrate the construction site in specific areas, limit construction times and give the architectural flexibility to the garrison, which only a new construction can guarantee .
The current pavilions 7 and 8 will be demolished, replaced with a new building of considerable size, between pavilion 17-DEA and via Redipuglia.
The new building will accommodate approximately half of the Institute’s acute beds, distributed over three floors above ground, which stand out above a logistical plate, also including the laboratories on 2 basement floors, starting from a level lower than the ground floor of the building 17, with which it would be in continuity, forming a single body.

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