The Giannina Gaslini Institute publishes the tender for the construction of the “Nuovo Gaslini”
Interested economic operators will have 45 days to submit offers starting from the date of publication in the Official Journal of the European Union and the Promoter will enjoy the right of pre-emption.
The duration of the Concession will be 22 years and the estimated value of the Concession net of VAT for the envisaged period will be €543.35 million.
enova, 04.17.2023. This afternoon the Board of Directors of the Giannina Gaslini Institute, chaired by President Edoardo Garrone, decided to launch the tender procedure entitled: “Open procedure relating to the awarding of the concession for the modernization of the IRCCS Gaslini hospital structure, located in Genoa , in via Gerolamo Gaslini n. 5, consisting in the construction, from scratch, of a hospital pavilion, the extraordinary maintenance/refunctionalisation of other pavilions dedicated to healthcare activities and complementary services in the hospital grounds and the management of hard facility management services, including the supply of energy carriers ”.
The procedure provides that the tender will be awarded by applying the criterion of the most economically advantageous offer , which will be identified on the basis of the best quality-price ratio. Interested economic operators will have 45 days to submit offers starting from the date of publication in the Official Journal of the European Union (scheduled for 20 April 2023 ) and the Promoter will enjoy the right of first refusal.
“Calling the tender procedure in such a short time fills us with pride – comments the president of the Gaslini Hospital, Edoardo Garrone – . On behalf of myself and the entire Gaslini Board of Directors, I want to thank the excellent team of professionals – starting from the general director Renato Botti – who, working day and night with great competence, dedication and courage, have led us to this necessary and fundamental result to guarantee the future of the pediatric hospital and with it the best care for all the children in the world who need it.”
“We thank all the institutions involved, which have always supported us, for their attention and support, with full respect for their roles, with particular appreciation for the Liguria Region, the Municipality of Genoa, the Superintendency, the University of Genoa and Asl3 Genovese” explains the general director of the G. Gaslini Institute, Renato Botti.
“ The construction of a new pavilion (pavilion zero) and the renovation of the existing pavilions have a total financial value of approximately 178.5 million euros of which 50.3 million, equal to 28% of the overall cost, to date they were obtained through public funding without obligation to repay – continues Botti -. This includes the 20 million euros already approved by the Gerolamo Gaslini Foundation , to which are added the 8.4 million from PNRR-PNC, the 6.5 million pursuant to law 67/88, the 1.8 million subsequently assigned by the Liguria Region upon publication of the public notice and the rest comes from sales of the Institute’s real estate assets and other state funding. The remaining portion of expenses, equal to 128.2 million euros, is covered by private financing , the remuneration of which will be with a concession fee which will commit the Institute for 19 years. The duration of the Concession will be 22 years and the estimated value of the Concession net of VAT for the envisaged period will be €543.35 million”.
The path that led to the “Nuovo Gaslini”
Following the public notice, resolved by the Board of Directors of the Gaslini Institute on 21 February 2022 , and the three proposals received on 31 August of the same year, at the end of the comparative procedure, it was identified as preferable by the Board of Directors of the Institute the offer of the temporary business group led by CMB – Cooperativa Muratori e Braccianti di Carpi – which will form the basis of the tender .
The operation carried out by the Giannina Gaslini Institute which is configured as a Public Private Partnership with a public initiative (PPP), was identified as a contractual solution capable not only of integrating public resources, but also of reducing critical risks such as higher costs, greater construction times, as well as interference between construction site and clinical continuity.
The Gerolamo Gaslini Foundation , chaired by Mons. Marco Tasca , bishop of Genoa, has guaranteed maximum support with two subsequent loans of a total of 20 million euros in capital account, in order to increase the percentage of non-repayable financing , and thus decrease the burden of the concession fee that the Giannina Gaslini Institute will have to pay starting from the delivery of the “Zero Pavilion”, expected by June 2026 .
The Gaslini of the future: a city of health
The polyclinic that will arise from the complex transformation underway is a city of health, capable of further improving the effectiveness and safety of care for young patients and the work and training experience for the entire community of operators, students, families, associations that experience the hospital every day. The new Gaslini responds to the needs of a modern integrated hub with high technological intensity, based on an organizational model for care platforms and homogeneous departmental work and study areas, organized according to the principle of intensity of care and technological complexity. A job that interprets and collects the indications of the health workers who work there and the families who frequent it. Greater efficiency in the management of healthcare activities will be achieved , thanks to a single integrated hub (Hall ZERO, 15, 16, 17, 18 ) which obviates the current fragmentation of healthcare services in multiple buildings.
The functional organization is based on the separation of paths, with the dual objective of improving efficiency in the use of healthcare personnel and in the provision of services to the patient.
A hospital which will thus have the possibility, in the second phase of the intervention, to open up to students with a University Campus , and to the neighborhood with a company kindergarten and sports spaces, through the redevelopment of spaces inside the hospital citadel and the subsequent construction of a guesthouse for families and students . Gaslini has already defined the timing of the operation: construction site to begin by the summer of 2023 and “Padiglione Zero” ready by June 2026 . From that date the successful tenderer will manage the services (energy and maintenance) for 19 years.

Nuovo Gaslini: construction sites begin for the construction of Padiglione Zero
Firmato l’accordo di concessione delle aree per la costruzione: partono i cantieri di lavoro per la costruzione del Nuovo Gaslini.

The Giannina Gaslini Institute awards the tender for the construction of the “new Gaslini” to Cmb/Mieci/Arcoservizi

The Gerolamo Gaslini Foundation approves a further allocation of 10 million euros for the construction of the new Gaslini, bringing its contribution to 20 million euros

The Promoter body selected for the concession for the construction and management of the new Pavilion Zero and the modernization of the existing Gaslini hospital structure

Gaslini has chosen the Public Interest Proposal for the New Hospital

Nuovo Gaslini: 32 requests to participate for the information day for the solicitation of proposals in public-private partnerships (PPP)

The market consultation through solicitation of proposals in public-private partnership (PPP) published today by IRCCS Gaslini for the concession for the modernization of its hospital structure is worth 137 million