Nuovo Gaslini: construction sites begin for the construction of Padiglione Zero

23 Oct 2023

The concession agreement for the areas for construction has been signed: the work sites for the construction of the Nuovo Gaslini begin.

Genoa, 23 October 2023.  Work on the construction of the “Nuovo Gaslini” has started: the IRCCS  Istituto Giannina Gaslini  signed the agreement today with the concessionaire  Zena Project , a project company created by the temporary grouping of companies  Cmb-Mieci -Arcoservizi,  and will make use of the Project Management Consulting service of  RINA – PROGER .

The president of the IRCCS Giannina Gaslini Edoardo Garrone, the general director Renato Botti and the head of the Technical Office and RUP of the project, Ezio Nicolàs Bruno Urbina, presented the construction plan of the “Cantiere Nuovo Gaslini”, consisting of the construction of  a new hospital pavilion, called Padiglione Zero, of a new technological hub ,  and in the renovation of 5 historic pavilions with the consequent functional reorganization of the entire polyclinic.

“With today’s signature the first phase of the works for the ‘Nuovo Gaslini’ begins, our pediatric hospital has a unique history, which began in the 1930s, but its structural part, divided into 20 pavilions, is not today more adequate to meet the needs of modern healthcare, which provides structures organized by intensity of care, based on common resources, from the operating block to the laboratories, to the high, medium and low intensity departments” explains the president of the Gaslini  Institute   Edoardo Garrone . “The solution was to build a modern hospital pavilion from scratch in the center of the historic hospital, demolishing two pavilions and building a new one at the top of the hill, called  Padiglione Zero  to indicate a new beginning. Combined with the current central pavilions, it will constitute the acute hospital area. The modernization of the hospital takes shape in record time: a technologically cutting-edge future characterized by sustainability is emerging, which allows us to preserve the moral, health, scientific and also historical landscape heritage of the Gaslini intact” concludes  the  President Garrone.

“ Today is a historic day not only for Gaslini, but also for Liguria . A new challenge begins which, respecting tradition, looks to the future and innovation of the Institute, an absolute point of reference for pediatric care, research and medicine at an international level for 85 years. My  thanks go to the entire Gaslini team, who, a few months after the award of the tender, managed to start the executive phase, once again demonstrating seriousness, competence and, naturally, great human motivation, an essential element. The common objective is that this hospital continues to guarantee children the best possible healthcare, in a cutting-edge structure and with new services also for families for an increasingly tailored care of small patients” commented  the l president of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti  during the presentation.

“ Today the new Gaslini is officially born, extraordinary news and a great opportunity for growth for the whole city . A project that does not just represent a simple modernization of existing structures, but which will contribute to a futuristic and at the same time sustainable urban development in one of the most valuable areas of Genoa. The Gaslini has always been a source of great pride for our city, a center of excellence which from today will be even more at the forefront on an international level”  declared the  mayor of Genoa Marco Bucci .

“When we talk about Gaslini, no particular declinations are needed: this name includes all the preparation, the professionalism, the ability to take care of small patients both at a Ligurian and national level. As a historic institute, the hospital has come to terms with its structural limitations and, with the advancement of new technologies and innovations in medicine, a change in the building part has therefore become necessary. The start of work on the construction of a new pavilion represents the acceleration necessary to offer, within a reasonable time, an institute that is in step with the times. Gaslini is thus preparing to face the new challenges in pediatric medicine with a new structure but also with a new training center recently inaugurated in Villa Quartara: thus closing the circle of an expertise that can be further consolidated at a national level and beyond ”  commented  the Liguria Region Health Councilor, Angelo Gratarola .

The public-private partnership at the service of the Public Administration

The  general director of the Gaslini Institute, Renato Botti  explained:  “the Nuovo Gaslini comes to life thanks to a  complex project of technological, organizational and functional innovation , which was possible thanks to the  public-private partnership . A European public tender was called and  in 18 months Gaslini went from the idea to the awarding of the works and now the executive phase is starting . Padiglione Zero, which represents the first phase and the heart of the intervention, will be completed in compliance with the milestones envisaged by the PNRR (which finances a portion of the project worth 10 million euros out of a total operation of 180 million euros) ”.


The partnership, if well managed, should guarantee certain deadlines and requires a leap in quality from the public client. The private counterpart must also form a network of professionals capable of presenting themselves as the sole interlocutor of the Gaslini Institute. The entire operation from a real estate and structural point of view will be completed in six and a half years:  three years for the construction of Padiglione Zero, three and a half years for the renovation of the other pavilions. The partnership provides for the management of  facility management services , including energy supply, for 19 years from the construction of Padiglione Zero.

“In addition to the management of these services, the  private sector finances the operation with approximately 130 million . One of the advantages of the partnership consists in the possibility of starting without having to have the entire amount of the sums already in the budget, which is what you have to do with a normal contract. In this case the investment is around  180 million euros  and we – explains the  general director Renato Botti  – started with a capital, between public financial sources and sources from the Gaslini system (Gerolamo Gaslini Foundation and Giannina Gaslini Institute) which reaches 50 million. This is a courageous and open approach, which we are using in an innovative and effective way, demonstrating that even the Public Administration can carry out ambitious projects”.

Syriana Bertacchini, President of Zena Project and director of the project and services division for CMB , showed pride and emotion for the start of the construction sites: “ Working on this work is an honor and a challenge. It is an honor, as promoting and constructing companies, to commit ourselves to this client and to what it represents in Italian public healthcare, to achieve the common objective of creating even more efficient structures and departments for the little ones. The challenge is to do it within a highly complex and structured reality, acting within a lively and busy environment, such as a hospital .”

 “We thank the  Gerolamo Gaslini Foundation  which allowed us to start the design process, allocating 20 million euros, the  Querci Foundation , which has actively supported the hospital for many years and we also thank all the private individuals who decide to contribute to the realization of the “Nuovo Gaslini”, through our new fundraising foundation  Gaslininsieme , as Pintus and Costa Crociere have just done, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Italian company. We hope for further public funding from the State and the Region in the future – comments the  president of the Gaslini Institute, Edoardo Garrone  – Given the importance of this structural intervention, we need allocations that can guarantee sustainability, in order to find further resources even in capital account”.

The four phases of the intervention

The intervention will be in 4 phases:  the first consists of the construction of  Padiglione Zero  and will end in June 2026, the second in the renovation of the pads. 17, 18, and 6 and will end in June 2028, the third involves the renovation of the pad. 16th will end in August 2029, the fourth will carry out the renovation of the pad. 15 and will end in 2030.

Padiglione Zero will be created in three years and will centralize all emergency-urgent, high-intensity care and surgical functions for children, future mothers and families, guaranteeing maximum operational efficiency and excellent quality of care. In fact, the following will be located here: an emergency-urgency area functionally related to the hospital area of ​​diagnostic services; 12 operating rooms  (of which 3 hybrid); 8 labor/delivery rooms  (one of which is equipped for water births); 70 beds in the  pediatric and neonatal intensive and sub-intensive care areas; 130 beds in the hospital area for ordinary hospitalizations  (pediatric and maternal-child surgical). The total beds for the Genoa headquarters of Gaslini will be 493.

The work will continue with a  second phase of renovation of Pavilions 6, 17 and 18, lasting approximately 18 months,  in order to improve the organizational efficiency of the Medical, Hemato-oncology, Neurosciences and Territorial Assistance Area, with the creation of new environments in which technology, research and clinical assistance integrate together, for the well-being of young patients.

The third and fourth phases will also start in the following two years  : pavilion 15 will be completely dedicated to research, with the placement of all the laboratories  in a single building, while in pavilion. Low intensity activities (Rehabilitation and Community Hospital) will be located in 16.

Subsequently,  the complementary services of research, training, reception, company nursery and nursery, small sales areas and spaces for voluntary associations will be strengthened . The executive phase, which will therefore have a total duration of approximately six and a half years, also includes a  functional reorganization of the entire hospital grounds and its green areas , and will be based on a flexible, pleasant and safe architecture, designed following the main environmental sustainability protocols. At the end of the construction of Padiglione Zero , maintenance services will also start  , including the supply of energy carriers, with a concession with an effective duration of 22 years .

“ During all phases of the works, the normal development and functioning of all existing activities within the institute will be ensured ,  with respect for children, families and all staff . Controlled demolition will adopt all  safety precautions  to minimize the spread of dust, noise and vibrations . Before the demolitions, the relocation of the functions will take place, some of which is already underway: the training center and the nursing school have already been relocated to Villa Quartara; the Rare Diseases Desk, the social workers area and the Children and Families Reception Center are being moved to Pavilion 13. The Institute’s operators are always updated on all movements through the Gaslini hospital intranet” explained  the  responsible for Technical Services ,  Ezio Nicolàs Bruno Urbina .

Traffic and parking

Traffic in the areas surrounding the hospital  will not be changed until the end of December 2023 . The first modification will take place starting from January 2024 when, in order to allow the transit of vehicles for the supply of construction site materials, the road system could be modified in via Redipuglia, but limited to the stretch that goes from Largo Francesco Cattanei to the entrance of the Hospital. Two alternatives are being evaluated with the Local Police and Technical Offices of the Municipality of Genoa: travel via Redipuglia in an alternate or two-way direction; the changes will be promptly communicated thanks to dedicated communication channels.

These changes to the road system may lead to the elimination of some  car parks , which may vary depending on the indications received from the Local Police. However,  “to safeguard the number of parking spaces available today and avoid possible inconvenience to residents, hospital operators and users – reassured engineer  Bruno Urbina  –  Gaslini has initiated the necessary discussions with Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and ARTE Genova  for obtain  the  availability , within the property areas included in the former Quarto Hospital,  of  parking spaces to compensate for the public ones which will be temporarily abolished  due to the works for the new hospital”.

Stakeholder involvement and communication

To meet the needs of users and citizens , Gaslini has  started a process of involving stakeholders:  institutions, schools, associations and inhabitants of neighboring neighborhoods, with the aim of informing users about the transformations underway, making use of the Avventura company Urban. The information will be disseminated through the website: ,  to update users on the progress of the works, the times, the construction phases, the methods of containment of potential impacts and the changes to the road system in the area .