Gaslini has chosen the Public Interest Proposal for the New Hospital

14 Nov 2022

Genoa, 14 November 2022. The Board of Directors of the Gaslini Institute, meeting today at the headquarters of the Genoese pediatric hospital, with the participation of the president Edoardo Garrone, the vice-president Luciano Grasso, the councilors Luigi Carlo Bottaro, Andrea Del Grosso, Federico Delfino, Alberto Maestrini, Maurizio Mauri and Pietro Pongiglione and the president of the Board of Statutory Auditors Tomaso Lucia , decided, on the proposal of the general director Renato Botti , the choice of the preferable Proposal, among those identified as being of public interest.
The two proponents who reached the final comparative procedure were the RTI (Temporary Grouping of Companies) with the company Percassi SpA as agent and the RTI with CMB (Cooperativa Muratori e Braccianti di Carpi) as agent.

At the end of the comparative procedure, the Board of Directors identified the RTI CMB proposal as the preferable one, among those identified as being of public interest.
With this decision, the Board of Directors has chosen the project which, after possible further improvements, will become the basis of a European tender for the awarding of the concession for the modernization of the IRCCS Gaslini hospital structure, consisting in the construction from scratch, of a hospital pavilion, the extraordinary maintenance/refunctionalisation of other pavilions dedicated to healthcare activities and complementary services in the hospital grounds and the management of hard facility management services, including the supply of energy carriers.

Tomorrow Tuesday 15 November, at 12.00 , the relevant information regarding the chosen proposal will be provided during a press conference to be held in the Aula Magna of the Gaslini Institute (pavilion 16, ground floor): the president of the Institute Edoardo Garrone , the general director of the Institute Renato Botti and the RUP (Sole Procedure Manager) Ezio Nicolas Bruno Urbina will illustrate, together with the representative of the RTI CMB, the chosen proposal, how the Genoese pediatric hospital will change, the opportunities and needs resulting from the development of the global modernization and relaunch project of the Institute.

The President of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti, the Mayor of Genoa Marco Bucci and the Health Councilor Angelo Gratarola will take part in the meeting .