Nuovo Gaslini: 32 requests to participate for the information day for the solicitation of proposals in public-private partnerships (PPP)
Genoa. There were 32 requests for participation and more than 100 technicians connected for the information day scheduled after the publication of the “solicitation of proposals in Public Private Partnership (PPP)” notice published on Tuesday 1 March 2022 by IRCCS Gaslini for the concession concerning the modernization of its hospital structure.
As per the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, Gaslini has in fact decided to carry out a modernization intervention of its hospital structure, also involving the planning and financing capabilities of private entities, using the concession contract model for adequately qualified economic operators , which will take place through the use of the private initiative proposal (PPP) instrument, believing this procedure to be the most effective and efficient to allow the modernization of the structure itself.
“An important and qualified participation” – said Renato Botti, general director of the Giannina Gaslini Institute , who spoke together with the Institute’s Health and Scientific Directorates – “which gives us hope for the interest aroused by the proposal on the market. These are challenging projects also for companies, which raise the level of quality of participation in similar projects”.
“From March 16 – said the engineer. Nicolas Urbina, director of technical services of the pediatric hospital – “the interested consortia can request to make appointments for the necessary technical inspections”.
The planned investment is 137 million of which approximately 35 are insured by the public share . The project aims at the construction of the so-called “Zero Pavilion”, and the refunctionalization of 5 buildings with social uses to support healthcare activities that contribute to creating added value and growth in competitiveness for the New Gaslini.
New Gaslini Technical Data Sheet
A monoblock that will integrate with the central pavilion where there are now many departments and operating rooms. A hospital that will be open to students with a University Campus , and to the neighborhood with a company nursery , a guesthouse for both students and the families of young patients , small commercial spaces serving the population that revolves around the Gaslini, spaces for sports and motor rehabilitation also open to the city.
It will be up to the hospital to choose the project and entrust the construction : this model considerably reduces times and above all disputes. The hospital will be transformed into a health city and improve its international attractiveness. In line with the new organizational models approved by the Board of Directors on 12/13/2021, it is intended to design and build a hospital by intensity of care (high intensity, medium intensity and low intensity) where the effectiveness and efficiency of clinical processes can be pursued through the creation of platforms common physical and organizational (hospital wards, clinical and research laboratories, outpatient activities, day and week surgery operating rooms, high technologies…).
“It is planned to create 339 ordinary inpatient beds, 36 day hospitals and 14 day surgeries, as well as 66 technical beds (dialysis, nursery cots, etc.); all rooms will have one or two beds with toilet and bed for the companion. 10 operating rooms are planned , including 1 for emergencies and 1 hybrid. Finally, it is planned to renew and strengthen the current technological park” explains the general director of Gaslini Renato Botti. A hospital that remains publicly managed but built with the participation of the private sector.
The Notice, published starting from 1 March 2022 on the institutional website of the Institute and, in extract, in the Official Journal of the European Union, in the Official Journal of the Italian Republic, can be viewed at the following link:
https:// amministrazionetrasparente.gaslini.org/servizi/bandi/bandi_fase02.aspx?ID=7598

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The market consultation through solicitation of proposals in public-private partnership (PPP) published today by IRCCS Gaslini for the concession for the modernization of its hospital structure is worth 137 million