The Giannina Gaslini Institute awards the tender for the construction of the “new Gaslini” to Cmb/Mieci/Arcoservizi
The duration of the Concession will be 22 years and the estimated value of the Concession net of VAT for the envisaged period will be €541.94 million.
Genoa, 10.07.2023. This morning the Board of Directors of the Giannina Gaslini Institute, chaired by President Edoardo Garrone, resolved to award the tender for the awarding of the concession for the modernization of the structure to the RTI (Temporary Business Grouping) CMB/MIECI/ARCOSERVIZI of the IRCCS G. Gaslini, consisting of the construction, from scratch, of a hospital pavilion, the extraordinary maintenance/refunctionalisation of other pavilions dedicated to healthcare activities and complementary services in the grounds of the Genoese hospital and the management of hard facility management services , including the supply of energy carriers. The procedure took place with the application of the criterion of the most economically advantageous offer, which was identified on the basis of the best quality-price ratio.
“Today is an important day: just two years after the presentation of the five-year Strategic Plan (May 2021) we have been awarded the tender to the RTI which will create the new Pavilion Zero, the renovation and modernization of our pediatric scientific polyclinic – explains the president of the IRCCS Giannina Gaslini Institute, Edoardo Garrone -. In a very short time, our excellent team of professionals, under the guidance of the general director, managed to go through all the planning, organizational and participation steps which saw the involvement of the entire Gaslini community, the bodies and institutions involved. All this allows us to open the construction site, with the preparatory works for demolition, by the end of August , a process that will end with the delivery of the “Zero Pavilion”, which must be finished by June 2026″.
“Today, Gaslini can look to the future with confidence , knowing that the path has been paved to continue to be one of the major pediatric centers of reference at an international level. It is important to underline how the chosen procedure – public-private partnership – should allow the deadlines set for the completion of the works to be respected : in fact, only upon delivery of the properties will the private operator begin to collect his fee. We thank all the institutions involved, which have always supported us, for their attention and support, with full respect for their roles, with particular appreciation for the Liguria Region, the Municipality of Genoa, the Superintendence, the University of Genoa and ASL3 Genovese” concludes the president Garrone.
“With today’s milestone – comments the president of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti – the “Nuovo Gaslini” project takes definitive and concrete shape, and begins its journey towards innovation, managing to preserve tradition. The start of the construction site in the next few weeks represents an excellent prospect: the Gaslini, an absolute point of reference for pediatric care, research and medicine at an international level for 85 years, continues to grow and looks to the future with an ambitious project that includes, among other things, the construction of a new pavilion in the center of the hospital, without interrupting any activity during the works. In this way it will be possible to offer new services to families, allow even more tailored care of young patients, capable of giving increasingly more adequate responses . My thanks go to the top management of the Institute and to the entire team of Gaslini professionals who achieved this result in just two years by involving the entire hospital in the most important design choices for the best efficiency of services . The Gaslini is a flagship, a source of pride and pride for our region: today it is even more so.”
“Our task is to guarantee healthcare services at the best possible level to all children who need them – explains the general director of the Gaslini hospital, Renato Botti -. In a fascinating structural context of the 1930s, which wants to preserve its history made up of pioneering women and men in many areas of paediatrics , continuing to provide excellent care, it was necessary to devise a structural and organizational context that would provide more spaces functional to modern medicine , safeguarding service models built specifically for the child and his family, with new paths for the development of research and training. Among the most relevant innovations we find the reduction of clinical risk , which will be achieved by aiming for maximum efficiency and effectiveness in the management of healthcare activities, also through the centralization of hospital activities in the “Zero Pavilion” and in the surrounding buildings, all organized by intensity of treatments and providing a clear separation of paths between patients and operators. The contribution to internal reorganization is also fundamental, through the high flexibility and adaptability of the structures to the different management needs in line with the evolution of healthcare”.
“The Pavilion Zero project was developed from the early planning stages, with the use of digital modeling methodologies for infrastructures (BIM), and was oriented towards green building : a biophilic building that systematizes passive solutions (shape of the building, thermal performance of the building envelope, solar shading, etc.), to minimize energy needs and allow it to be covered mainly with renewable and highly efficient sources” comments Ezio Nicolas Bruno Urbina , head of the Technical Services of the Gaslini Hospital and RUP (Sole Procedure Manager) of the “Nuovo Gaslini” project.
“The design envisaged completely new accessibility and usability, starting from the redefinition of the routes and a layout that takes into consideration the uniqueness of each user. We also want to increase attractiveness and competitive capacity, thanks to the integration and strengthening of support and reception services, to improve the experience of families and operators, opening the Institute’s offer to a wider pool of users . We are working with various institutions, first and foremost with the Municipality, Regione Arte and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti to address the complex issue of parking and traffic with the aim of minimizing inconvenience for patients, operators and residents” concludes the engineer Bruno Urbina.
The construction of a new pavilion (Pavilion Zero) and the renovation of the existing pavilions have a total financial value of approximately 180.7 million euros of which 50.3 million, equal to 27.8% of the overall cost, to date they were obtained through public funding without obligation to repay. This includes the 20 million euros already approved by the Gerolamo Gaslini Foundation , to which are added 8.4 million PNRR-PNC, 6.5 million pursuant to law 67/88, 1.8 million assigned by the Liguria Region following the publication of the public notice and the rest comes from disposals of the Institute’s real estate assets and other state funding.
The remaining portion of expenses, equal to 130.4 million euros, is covered by private financing , the remuneration of which will be with a concession fee which will commit the Institute for 19 years. The duration of the Concession will be 22 years and the estimated value of the Concession net of VAT for the envisaged period will be €541.94 million.
The polyclinic that will arise from the complex transformation underway will be a city of health, capable of further improving the effectiveness and safety of care for young patients and the work and training experience for the entire community of operators, students, families, associations that experience the hospital every day. The new Gaslini responds to the needs of a modern integrated hub with high technological intensity, based on an organizational model for care platforms and homogeneous departmental work and study areas, organized according to the principle of intensity of care and technological complexity. A job that interprets and collects the indications of the health workers who work there and the families who frequent it. Greater efficiency in the management of healthcare activities will be achieved , thanks to a single integrated hub (Pavilion Zero, 15, 16, 17, 18 ) which overcomes the current fragmentation of healthcare services in multiple buildings. The functional organization is based on the separation of paths, with the dual objective of improving efficiency in the use of healthcare personnel and in the provision of services to the patient.
A hospital which will thus have the possibility, in the second phase of the intervention, to open up to students with a University Campus , and to the neighborhood with a company kindergarten and sports spaces, through the redevelopment of spaces inside the hospital citadel and the subsequent construction of a guesthouse for families and students .
Video commentary by Doctor Renato Botti, general director of the Gaslini Hospital

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