Demolition of Pavilions 7-8
Construction of Padiglione Zero
Construction of the Technology Centre


Timing: 35 months

219 Beds

Diagnostic Imaging
Surgical Unit and Delivery Suite
Surgical Ward
Intensive and Semi-Intensive Care
Maternity Ward
Changing Rooms – Car Park – Sterilisation


Renovation of
Pavilions 6, 17 and 18

Timing: 17 months

203 Beds

Medical Wards
Day Hospital – Day Surgery


Renovation of
Pavilion 16

Timing: 15 months

46 Beds

Nursing Ward
Rehabilitation Ward
Rehabilitation Services
Support laboratories
Milk Bank


Renovation of
Pavilion 15

Timing: 10 months

No Beds

New research laboratories


ABOUT TOTAL 493 BEDS Gianna Gaslini Institute

The project involves the restructuring of the entire Institute in order to create a cutting-edge, sustainable and future-oriented hospital.

The demolition of Pavilions 7 and 8 and the consequent construction of the New Padiglione Zero, the construction of the New Technology Centre and the renovation of a number of existing pavilions are planned.

In order to ensure the continuity of services without interruptions, the work will be carried out in four separate phases:

  • Phase 1, consisting of the demolition of Pavilions 7 and 8 and the construction of the New Padiglione Zero and the New Technology Centre, will last approximately three years, and will end in June 2026 An A&E area will be located in the New Pavilion; 12 operating rooms (of which 3 hybrid); 8 labour/delivery rooms (one of which is equipped for water births); 70 beds in the pediatric and neonatal intensive and step-down care areas; 130 beds in the hospital area for ordinary admissions (pediatric and maternal-infant surgery admissions);
  • Phase 2, consisting of the renovation of Pavilions 6, 17 and 18, will last approximately one year and five months and will end in June 2028. . The Medical, Hemato-oncology, Neuroscience and Community Care Areas will be able to operate in the renovated pavilions with better organisational efficiency, with the creation of new environments in which technology, research and clinical care are integrated with each other for the wellbeing of the pediatric patients;
  • Phase 3, involving the renovation of Pavilion 16, which will last approximately one year and four months and will end in August 2029.
    The renovated pavilion will be entirely dedicated to research, with all laboratories located in a single facility;
  • Phase 4, involving the renovation of Pavilion 15, will last 10 months and will end in 2030. Low intensity activities, such as Rehabilitation and the Community Hospital, will be located in the renovated Pavilion.

Subsequently, complementary services such as research, training, reception, nursery and day-care, small retail outlets and spaces for voluntary associations will be upgraded.