As part of the project, a series of fundamental measures are implemented to ensure safety on the site and environmental protection, in order to minimise the negative impact on the surrounding healthcare facilities and preserve optimal sanitary conditions in the work area. To effectively deal with high impact activities, such as demolitions and excavations, measures aimed at minimising the spread of dust, noise and vibrations towards the hospital departments adjacent to the areas of work are therefore adopted.
A central element is the monitoring of emissions, which takes place using control units and devices that allow the collection of detailed data on emissions, to check compliance with regulations and protect public health.
In particular, the following are monitored:
- acoustic emissions, through sophisticated sound detection equipment that continuously records and analyses the level of noise produced by the site, providing data that is compared with regulatory limits in order to guarantee compliance with acoustic standards;
- dust in the atmosphere, through measurements taken at strategic points before the start of the works and during the operational phases, in order to identify any increases in concentrations above the permitted limits and take corrective measures to preserve air quality;
- the vibrations generated by excavation activities, using specific devices located near the work area, in order to provide data that documents the impact of the site on the surrounding environment and enables management procedures to be improved.
An essential aspect is the automatic warning system that is activated if noise emissions or vibrations exceed the permitted limits. Furthermore, in terms of safety and environmental protection, procedures are in place to manage emergency situations and potential accidents. These procedures are tested regularly to ensure that site personnel are prepared to deal with critical situations.
Overall, these targeted measures and continuous monitoring demonstrate a commitment to managing the site safely, ensuring the protection of both workers and the surrounding environment.